8 July 2024
Roof For Furkids
Roof For Furkids, a project to help build a shelter and kennel for 20 homeless and stray dogs 8/7/2024
During IPP Tara Menon’s term, Funds were raised to run many of Inner Wheel Club Subang Selangor’s (IWCSS) ongoing and planned projects. One of those was to provide support for stray animals and to assist bonafide NGO’s who spent a lot of their time and energy in prevention of cruelty to animals and funding animal care programmes. So, when PP Indira Menon who is the current term CC, brought up the request for funds to help Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia (SAFM) to set up some form of shelter and kennels for these stray and homeless dogs, club members were unanimous in approving RM 1000 donation towards this worthwhile cause. Dhevi, a member and an animal lover, personally donated a further RM 1000 which was channelled through the club to SAFM. She also managed to convince her friends to support the cause and look into funding the remaining amount required to complete the project. Thanks to PP’s initiative, SAFM is able to do the needful.
Strays are the products of abandonment, and without an appropriate system in place, they multiply on the streets and the population grows unchecked. Hunger, sickness, lack of care all contribute to the misery of these dogs who are already victims of acts of cruelty to animals. SAFM has come up with a plan to house them while they get treated and wait to be adopted. Those that cannot find a home will be sterilized and released. This will eventually help in decreasing the stray population.
Anyone interested to further support SAFM in their never ending and ongoing projects can contact the President, Mr Kalaivanan at 013 706 6770. Funding will make a difference to these street animals and help them out of their misery of suffering, hunger and pain.