28 July 2024
First meeting of 2024-2025
After the AGM, IWC Penang had the first meeting on 28th July 2024 at president Paramjitās house. 12 members attended the meeting. Kulwant, our secretary called the meeting to order. It was followed by lighting of the candle and recitation of the Friendship Poem.
President Param welcomed the new committee, the member to be inducted, Valerie Low Beng Lan and the Guest, ISO Renganayagi from IWC Sivakasi, India, District 321.
An exchange of Bannerettes took place followed by a short message by Renganagi.
The meeting proper per agenda took place after that and
the Induction Ceremony of the new member Low Beng Lan followed.
An official photography session was held to obtain clear pictures for our installation brochure.