(a zip folder) of pdf files:
1) AGM Brochure
2) AGM Registration Form
3) Hotel Reservation Form
4) Advertisement & Donation Form
5) Social Project Participation Form
6) Golf Entry Form (New! Included on 22 Nov 2013)
Also available as a PDF portfolio (3MB) (open with Adobe Reader)
Alternatively, the above files are downloadable individually from the list below:
AGM Brochure (pdf)
AGM Registration Form
(Download then use Adobe Reader or Acrobat to fill and email it back. You may also print the form and fill it manually, then send by post or fax.)
Advertisement Placement & Donation Form (pdf)
Hotel Reservation Form (pdf)
Social Project Participation Form (pdf)
(only for clubs of District 330 and District 331)
Friendship Golf Entry Form (pdf). We invite you and your guests to a relaxing morning on Saturday, 23 March 2013. Please contact coordinators: Ms Ooi Bee Ngoh or Dr Lee Hock Bee. Click to download map to The Club@Bukit Utama (pdf).
Moulin Rouge Banquet Night tickets are available for friends of Inner Wheel. Please contact
District Secretary Lee Lan Mee.
How to get there? Hotel Location